Hello. For lack of a better openning that will do, atleast for
the moment. My this is hard to start, after all I've spent quite
a bit of time avoiding passion fruit and now, here I am writing
my own little toast. Well enough small talk here it goes, in no
particular order.
To Guinevere, Heather-Rachel, Sarah T, and Stephanie for sleeping
during activity periods, rats in the ceiling, getting blamed for
my barefootness, and generally making me feel welcome.
To Nell for introducing me to CTY and so many other things, and
for always being here for me, and teaching me who and whom
To the girls of my 2a class for not bashing us guys too much and
for not making me feel like a total idiot when I was totally lost
To Collin for being the only other guy brave enough to take 2a
with me, for drawing some of the male bashing, and for agreeing
with me when I said stupid things.
To my 2a class as a whole for putting up with my nervous energy
problem, and for dealing with it in a very nice way.
To Christal (sorry if I misspelled your name) for silly putty,
you have no idea how useful that gift has proven
To Jordan for playing me tambourine man.
To Wolfgang for cool hats, and good songs.
To Davenport for looking like a tomato and letting me call her
To Steve Melzer for stale toast and bad Disney songs.
To Ella for being sweet and squishy and waking meup, and of
course for lyrical quotes
To Froom for letting me rant at you, finally admitting I don't
look like your cousin, and of course for poetic quotes.
To Sean for shaving cream, shaved heads, and a barefoot walk down
High Street.
To Pierre for half shaveness and the leviathyn rants.
To Mike Halferstay, Travis, Alex, and Jeff for letting me join
their suite, and for Stuarts Country Orange and Cream
To Matt Korahais (I know I spelled that wrong) for almost
believing I belonged on his hall, but not quite.
To the year book staff for putting me on the RA page.
To Amy-Celeste for never deciding on a name and funny tee-shirts
To Kate Thompson for poking Steve Lee, and for being generally
scary yet sweet
To Hannah for always smiling. Keep it up, the world needs more
people like you
To Guinevere for pink hair, adopting me, and always being here
for me even if it is a long distance call.
To Shannon the CTYer who never quite got to CTY, for being so
close, for knowing what to do and for letting me help.
To Elly for purple hair
To Dawn for never coming to first session but for sharing
memories anyway.
To MikeHalferstay for looking really good in a dress.
To Greg for going three weeks on three outfits.
To Sarah T for starting traditions.
To my sperm year hall whom I have almost no recollection of.
To Dan for being the coca cola polar bear
To Leah for going barefoot and stalking small animals
To Mike M for being the hyper monkey
To my 1a class for segregation, caracatures, and the Great Gatsby
To Tavis-Jason for half brothers and sisters, late night food
fights across an empty suite, and being one of the few people on
my hall whom I associated with
To the complete strangers who signed my shirt for signing a
complete stranger's shirt while he was wearing it.
To Anne for dancing cats and late night three hour telephone
conversations with strangers
To Moses for living in Columbia.
To Kara for keeping in touch for so long even though we hardly
knew eachother.
To the entire group for putting up with me and Steph, I know it
was hard so thank you, it meant alot.
And finally to Stephanie for being around, making me smile, not
giving up, stealing out of date signs, Milos hat, stolen moments,
shared moments, not caring who's around, working so hard to keep
everyone together, being one of two people I kept in touch with
from 96, and for just being you.
Well thats all I can remember. I have terrible problems with
memory loss, to any of you whom I have forgotten I'm sorry, alot
has happened in two years and there is more to come, perhaps our
paths will cross again and I will remember you, but perhaps not.
Either way I will never forget that there were many other people
who made CTY great for me, and that they deserve just as much
credit as anyone else. So I toast them as well, for making CTY
great, even if I can't remember your individual names, I remember
your role in my life, I'm sorry that I cannot remember more.